Friday, December 27, 2019

The Struggles of Cultural Assimilation of Nigerian Women...

Abstract In this articled will attempt to explain the historical oppression of the Nigerian woman in her home country and how each little Nigerian girl is brought up to submit to the men in her life for her entire life span ,living in the background without a voice but many duties. It will explain how this woman moves to America and finds new freedoms and is presented with the option of assimilating into the new culture or maintain her country’s ways. The identity formation, issues and challenges are subjected to the theories of personality and social change. As the Nigerian woman finds herself in America and trying to understand her new surrounding and to adjust to the new freedoms that she encounters, she must also make the†¦show more content†¦Too her surprise the man completed the task and even served his wife a drink without a word. Many of the women told of relationship differences, the Nigerian woman was use to living in a society where the men had all the power an d the women obeyed or they would get beat or cast out (Mberu, B., 2007). The Nigerian woman is closely related to some of the other women interviewed in comparison to the male and female relationship. The American stood alone when it came to this comparison. The Nigerian woman is raised to give all her respect to men, even if that man is her son. She is expected to speak in a humble tone, with her eyes lowered and to give her total devotion to the men in her life, which to the American women it appears to be a situation of servitude (Uyanga, R., E., 2009). The Nigerian woman is taught things that she must do in order be a good wife and a good daughter of Nigeria. These women are subject to cuttings and rituals that have been deemed dangerous but is still performed in the country. It is taught by mothers to daughters and continues although with greater education it has become less common in the urban areas (Freymeyer, R., Johnson, B. 2007). These ideals of what makes the wom en fit for marriage and acceptable in the Nigerian is a continuous factor in the opinions and stereotyping of American toward them. Cultural Retention The Nigerian woman is put in the position of fitting into the culture at large and maintaining her ownShow MoreRelatedWomen Across Cultures Face Similar Forms Of Oppression1052 Words   |  5 PagesWomen across cultures face similar forms of oppression in varying ways. The stories of Maxine Hong Kingston, Nicholas D. Kristof, Sheryl WuDunn, Banana Yoshimoto, and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie bring awareness to these heartbreaking yet inspiring narratives of the lives of women outside of North America. While some of the works are fictional, there is still an air of realism that accentuates the general ideas conveyed in the individual narratives. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Stonewall Riot Essay - 743 Words

The stonewall riot was the most revolutionary movement in LGBT+ history.Life before the stonewall riot.Plus, the stonewall movement in action and how it played off and ended.The ripple no from the stonewall riot.Also, did you know that the stonewall riot was the first more important rebel for LGBT+ rights. Before the stonewall riot, homosexuals were completely miserable because of police and homophobes.According to Dissent Magazine â€Å"both the New York Times and the Washington Post ran pieces that assumed the genesis of the gay freedom campaign can be traced to a single dramatic event with a singularly memorable name: Stonewall.†The only reason that people have LGBT+ rights today is because of the stonewall riot.Rights info â€Å" We’ve come a†¦show more content†¦Britannica â€Å"The riots outside the Stonewall Inn waxed and waned for the next five days. Many historians characterized the uprising as a spontaneous protest against the perpetual police harassment and social discrimination suffered by a variety of sexual minorities in the 1960s. Although there had been other protests by gay groups, the Stonewall incident was perhaps the first time lesbians, gays, and transgender people saw the value in uniting behind a common cause.â€Å"The LGBT+ people won w ith their heads held high.Socialist alternative â€Å"At first, everything unfolded according to a time-honored ritual. Seven plain clothes detectives and a uniformed officer entered and announced their presence. The bar staff stopped serving the watered-down, overpriced drinks, while their Mafia bosses swiftly removed the cigar boxes which functioned as tills. The officers demanded identification papers from the customers and then escorted them outside, throwing some into a waiting paddy-wagon and pushing others off the sidewalk.†It was ok till the homos got mad and fought back. What is the effect today because the stonewall riot.Daily beast â€Å"Gallup polling show that 4 percent of Americans are LGBT. But with more millennials self-identifying as LGBT, that number could one day reach the oft-cited ‘1 in 10.’ †There is a large amount of people that are homosexuals that wouldn’t be so accepted for it.The williams institute â€Å"An estimated 3.5% of adults in the United States identify asShow MoreRelatedHistorical Impact of The Stonewall Riots in Stonewall Essay1041 Words   |  5 Pageslook into the historical impact of the Stonewall Riots in Stonewall: The Riots that Sparked the Gay Revolution. This engaging book adds to the genre of sexual orientation discrimination. Carter extensively analyzes the various factors that played a role in igniting the Stonewall riots and the historical impact that the riots had on the Gay Revolution and movement for gay equality. 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Allyn argues that the new energy and militancy generated by the riot played a crucial role in creating the gay liberationRead MoreStonewall Riots Essay2631 Words   |  11 PagesStonewall Riots Liberation for gay people is to define ourselves how and with whom we live, instead of measuring our relationships by straight valuesÂ… To be free territory, we must govern ourselves, set up our own institutions, defend ourselves, and use our own energies to improve our lives (Wittman, 75). Carl Wittmans Refugees from Amerika: A Gay Manifesto, drew together many of the themes dealing with gay liberation. This quote demonstrates the goals of the gay and lesbian movement, a movementRead MoreStonewall Riots Essay1549 Words   |  7 PagesThe Stonewall riots were a series of violent, spontaneous demonstrations by members of the LGBT community against a police raid that took place in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Micro teach free essay sample

Using inclusive learning and teaching approaches in lifelong learning Prior to the micro-teach I chose the topic of music, drum, and rhythm workshop because its practical, fun, universally accessible, the vast majority of people like music, it can be applicatory to absolute beginners all the way to advanced musicians and it advocates group work and student centred learning. Other options that I considered included a group piano lesson, drum kit lesson or DJ lesson. I eliminated these options because of the imitations on group work and learners having to observe and wait until they could have a go on the equipment. The rhythm workshop allows everyone to work and learn together with no waiting time. After outlining the learning outcomes the lesson starts with a Find someone who ice breaker. This allows me to assess the learners, its a group work exercise to employ inclusive learning from the start and it creates a sociable, personable and safe learning environment for the session whilst incorporating functional skills. We will write a custom essay sample on Micro teach or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In this ection I will use eye contact, I will call the learners by name and I will use a personable teaching style to include all the learners. We move onto some easy rhythm warm ups to boost self-esteem, help learners feel comfortable and build on group interaction. I can assess learners practical skills through observation whilst making learners feel comfortable with their mistakes and reinforce that everyones contribution is valuable whilst giving context to the theory that is introduced in the next section using a kinaesthetic and aural learning approaches. When explaining he theory Im going to use words and syllables to help understand rhythms and notation. This technique incorporates visual, aural, kinaesthetic, reading and writing learning styles, making an unaccustomed concept of notated music familiar and accessible to everyone. I will assess learning by getting individuals to perform and write their rhythms down. To conclude the lesson we will do a performance to put the new knowledge into practice and assess learning. I will evaluate the lesson throughout by observation, asking for verbal feedback at the end and comparing the erformance with the learning outcome that were outlined at the beginning of the session. I will use praise and encouragement throughout to acknowledge all learners contribution as valuable, use demonstration as a teaching method and keep the lesson fast paced and high energy to keep learners engaged. Post micro-teach The topic proved to be effective. Learners were engaged throughout the lesson, they were smiling and enjoying learning. They worked well in group and independent tasks and responded well to student centred teaching achieving good results. There was a mixture of complete beginners to intermediate musicians. The weakest learner could accomplish the learning outcomes and the strongest learner was sui tab ly challenged. Learners responded well to personable, friendly teaching style, reciprocating smiles and enjoying the lesson with enthusiasm. Praise was acknowledged and there was a safe and comfortable atmosphere in the room. Learners didnt react to their mistakes with shame and embarrassment but could laugh about them and then they enthusiastically try again. All learners were happy to participate in all the tasks and achieved good results. Writing the learning outcomes on the flip chart was effective as I could evaluate the performance against the objectives with the students. All the outcomes had been achieved giving the learners a sense of achievement and they could recognize that learning had happened. When notating rhythms the visual aid on the flip chart was effective, with beginners succeeding in ambitious tasks. The Find someone who worksheet facilitated effective group work, initial assessment and broke the ice with ood learner interaction. I could effectively assess learning throughout by observation and monitoring which allowed me to adapt tasks to include learners for example simplifying rhythms for weaker learners or getting a learner to write down their work instead of perform it. The lesson was a bit rushed and could have been improved with less content. This would have allowed me to take my time over some of the more complex explanations and would have complimented the relaxed, informal teaching methods I was using.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Marketing analysis of Dior Essay Example

Marketing analysis of Dior Paper 1.0 Introduction The benchmark of human appeal always increases for both man and woman. From the era of shabby clothes to noble fashion, from de-emphases to emphasis skin care and toilette. Those of the changes label human civilization. Nowadays, the standard of toilette and fashion are very demanding. It is difficult for substantial fashion enterprises to maintain its market. However, Dior can achieve it. What is the market position of Dior? How Dior makes the business and keeps its stable. 2.0 Background Christian Dior was born in Normandy, France in 1905, and channeled his love for art by opening an art gallery. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing analysis of Dior specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing analysis of Dior specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing analysis of Dior specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In 1938, he entered the fashion world as a designer for Robert Piquet. After serving in World War II, Dior returned to Paris and had a very successful collaboration with Pierre Balmain at Lucien Lelong. With the help of Marcel Boussac, Dior was able to open his own fashion house in 1946. His opulent designs made him successful in the post-war era, and his brand quickly expanded into furs, perfumes and accessories. In 1957, Dior suddenly died and Yves Saint Laurent became the head designer. Since Saint Laurent, other well-known designers at this fashion house include Marc Bohan, Gianfranco and. John Galliano. 3.0 Marketing Environment 3.1 Marco Environment * Political Factor Dior is a French brand, which is very elegant. French possess one complete legal and tax system. Actually, French government carries out free market policy, so it provides a free and substantial development space for Dior. Moreover, French has a trading agreement with EU that helps Dior successfully sell products and promotion to other Europe countries. Cite as (Louis E. Boone David L. Kurtz 2006) * Economic Factor In French economy, it cant fully prosperous. For example, GDP is not growing significantly and there is remarkable unemployment rate. It will seriously affect Dior policy implementation. For instance when employment level is down, Dior cant employ enough staff for developing. On the other hand, after American second grade mortgage problem, it leads Europe Central Bank to fix interest rate. It definitely helps Dior to reduce loan interest burden, then, exchange rate between EU and US have difference. It also helps Dior invest efficiently and effectively. Cite as (Louis E. Boone David L. Kurtz 2006) * Social Factor In view of social factor, Dior face keen challenges. Nowadays, there is unbalance distribution of wealth in the world. It affects Dior to expand its market, as consumer cant afford price. Income recourse just comes from some people. It makes Dior development style narrow. Luckily, Dior can take advantage of society since Education level increases. That makes living condition and lifestyle is noble. It generates a lot of tasteful buyers for buying Diors products. * Technological Factor Nowadays, information technology changes day by day. Dior catches these characteristics, so it establishes official website which can communicate and realize the customers need. 3.2 Micro Environment * Competitive In the global market, Dior face many competitions. Locally, there are L.V, agnes b etc. In Europe, there are Burberry Gucci etc. They are also substantial fashion enterprises producing similar product, which can replace of Dior. 3.3 Internal Environment * Function Department Dior is successful tin the market. It not only possesses excellent design, it also relies on top management team who decide the direction of company. Moreover, Dior is cosmopolitan brand. There are many adherents, investors and bank supporting Dior financial and development. It brings comparative advantage to Dior which use for generating own manufacturing team in China. Because of own manufacturing team absolutely maintains product quality as well as reduces production cost. In addition, Dior can use this financial advantage dividing market segmentation, as they input more recourse for research and analysis. It makes the market segmentation be more efficient and effective. 4.0 SWOT analysis 4.1 Strength * Strong brand name Dior is a cosmopolitan brand. To consumers point of view, Diors products are elegant noble and tasteful why a majority of consumers have this perspective? It is because Dior creates an unique style of its fashion. Those fashions are in quality since they put more effort and attention to every step. From design to production. Dior doesnt discharge its duties carelessly, but it establishes its brand to be known widely. The strong brand name can help Dior increase market status. Main competitors of Dior * Good Designer and management Dior employs a lot of famous designers, such as John Galliano. He is a creative and initiative designer. John Galliano holds all of the fashion shows, which are dumfounded and praised by audiences. Undoubtedly, designers are important assets of Dior. In addition, Dior also possesses an excellent management team. They create a ambitions direction for Dior. The successful position of Dior depends on those designers and management. Dior Designer: John Galliano Dior Director: Bernard Arnauult * Financial Support Dior is the famous brand, so a majority of investors and bankers trust Dior. They are willing to provide capital for Dior to expand its business since Dior not only is a cosmopolitan brand, but also potential and profitable enterprises. It attracts investor, potential investor and bankers to support Dior financially. 4.2 Weaknesses * Employment Problem Dior is the substantial listed company. It must possess staff in a great quantity. It is not easy to control too much staff effectively. Dior may face some employment problem, such as human recourse mismatch, staff discipline and salaries distribution. Those problems will directly affect Dior competitors. * Unsatisfied with some type of consumer Although Dior products are good. It only serves particular buyers. Dior neglects some markets such as obese buyers and old buyers. According to research, obese guys quickly increases, if Dior gives up this market, it will make loss. 4.3 Opportunity * Takeover Armani Armani is also international brand. The director of Armani decides to retire few years later. Dior can takeover Armani, so that it can create synergy and increase reputation. Dior can press down product and advertisement cost by synergy and develop various styles, since the style of Dior and Armani have divergence. It makes a different product line to maximize profit. Armani Director: Giogio Armani * Cooperation with other company Dior can cooperate with other companies to expand the market, such as crossover with mobile or furniture producer. Some fashion enterprises have tried before. For example PARDA mix up with Korea mobile producer LG to develop a smart phone. It makes PARDA reputation and market shares grow. Dior can select mobile producer, such as NOKIA helping develop one dignitary and functional mobile. It must increase Dior reputation and market shares. PARDA x LG smart phone * Establish new product line for other style The fashion style of Dior only fits some particular targets. The market shares will be narrow, since some of the fashion brands will snatch a part of market shares. Then, Dior should create another style and build specific product line. For example, leisure wearing and formal dressing. In order to ensure market position, Dior must seriously consider. 4.4 Threat * Competitors Although Dior is one of the cosmopolitan brands, there are semiprecious level competitors to challenge Dior current position, such as L.V, Gucci, and Burberry. They also possess reputation and profitability. Those brands products can directly affect Dior turnover sales, so Dior must draw attention with those brands. * Global economic trend In 2006, strong consumption pushed up American economy. It indirectly pushes up global economy. Dior turnover sales obviously increase. However, since March 2007, the risk of American second mortgage has started up until now. The global economy burden a risk consumers purchasing power decrease remarkably. It seriously affects Dior because it is a luxury products producer. In attempt to obviate economic crisis, Dior must adjust the selling strategy and cost control. * Designer stay or resign Designers are the important assets of Fashion Company. It is not easy to find or train potential designer because top designer stay behind another brand, even though there is a contract to restrict them. Dior must put more resources to protect designer team in order to keep the image and remain attraction. 5.0 Market Segmentation It relates to segmentation base and profile. There are three major market segmentation including Demographic, Psychographic and Behavioral. 5.1 Segmentation Base * Demographic Base Sex-Christian Dior is designed for Lady. It includes fashion, accessories, skin care and cosmetics. -Dior Homme is Man product line. Income-Dior is luxury product producer, so the price of product set on high price. Dior expects the consumer to earn ranking form $20,000 to $45,000 per month. Occupation- Dior expects consumer who are profession or management level. It is because this occupation species can earn relatively high salaries, so the price of Dior products can be accepted. Social class-Dior expects consumer to be upper middle or above classes, as Dior run noble direction. It can match Dior image The above variables provide an objective factual and descriptive base for categorizing consumer, so that Dior can find consumer direction. Cite as (David. W. Cravens Nigel. F. Piercy 2003) * Psychographic base Lifestyle-Tasteful consumers are the targets of Dior, since the product design is mainly suitable for this type of consumer. This type of variable provides a subjective, interpretative and explanatory base for categorizing consumer. Although this base cant offer too much variable for Dior, it let Dior know unique style is their main weapon. * Behavioral base Benefit sought- Dior knows customer focusing on product quality and sale service. Loyalty status- The consumers may have medium faith of Dior product. The above variables make Dior know who will use product, so that Dior can mainly focus on this type of consumers. Cite as (Joshua Grossnickle Oliver Raskin 2001) 5.2 Market Targeting * General Criteria The market segments of Dior are tasteful people who are professional, manager or rich people. In fact, the size of this market is quite large. Then, a potential growth is concealed in this market, since the social unceasing evolution. People receive higher level and living standard also inevitable. They need to identify their position. Luxuries are their first choice. There are many competitors existing nearby Dior, such as L.V, Gucci. They have the same market was approached by those competitors of Dior. However, this market structure is complex. They have the same market and those products can be substitutes. For example Dior cosmetic, Gucci cosmetic, However, this market structure has one advantage. It is difficult for other new competitors to enter the field as Dior and other competitors win the fame for long time, financial background is also reliable. * Specific Criteria In fact, Dior customer base isnt sufficient. Although Dior utilizes much resource to constitute the customer base, there are too much competitors to struggle for the same market. It is difficult for Dior to break through the siege. It is not easy to provide meaningful marketing mix strategy that can satisfy with consumers, Nevertheless, Dior can achieve by its strong brand and successful segmentation. Dior segments can be measured in term of monitoring the effect of market mix strategy. * Target Strategy of Dior Dior carries out Differentiated target and Niche, as Dior serves not only one segment. Different segment will have different marketing mix strategy to fit the consumer need. Moreover, Dior also focuses some specialized sub-segment. Special product is produced by Dior to satisfy this small group. 5.3 Market Positioning Dior marketing mix strategy distinguishes consumers point of view. * Product Attributes Dior product is elegant. It is a luxury for people. * Usage Occasion Consumers not always purchase Dior product. It is not necessary for them to buy every day or week. They may purchase Dior product once or twice a year. * Against from competitors Dior market segment is steadily increasing and the competitors sales also dont fluctuate. Dior stays at a safe place. * Product Categories 1. Dior Homme- man fashion 2. Christian Dior- Lady fashion 3. Dior Lady accessories, skin care and cosmetics 2.Christian Dior 3. Dior Lady Wearing Cosmetics Dior marketing mix strategy owns competitive advantage for below areas: * Product Differentiation Although Gucci, L.V are very famous brands, their products are already commonplace which nothing special, Nonetheless, Dior product can bring fresh and unique excitement to consumers. * Image Differentiation C.D is the logo of Dior. It is well-know brand for every one. It is like people see M as they will think of McDonald. 6.0 Analysis of 4ps * Product Dior product divides into few types. As for man causal wear is Dior Homme. For Lady wear is Christian Dior, for cosmetics and skin care is Dior, which has stricted quality control. There is no excuse for Dior to produce flawed product. Dior has strong brand supported by long in time history. A lot of customers hold favorable attitude towards a brands, so Dior product can attract faithful adherent. * Price Dior products are luxuries .the price is also costly. Although the price of Dior product is expensive, it doesnt affect the demand of this luxury. The price setting relates to s few aspects. First, it is a must to consider competitor price such as L.V Gucci. Second, products quality, warranty, image are crucial. Then reputation value, Dior can consider to decrease price, which can probably increase market shares. * Promotion In fact, Dior does not have too much promotion. It just promotes the product through newspapers, website and some specific magazines, since a vast of people already know Dior. If Dior can remain more budgets for promotion. The reputation of Dior must rise. Dior can consider which type of advertising is the most effective for them. It is acceptable to adopt T.V, Huge advertising board. * Place In HK, Dior shops are located in famous shopping mall and popular place such as Habour City. It is not only conformable, but also convenient for consumers. In order to take the advantage of concentration, Dior should establish more shops in famous area. 7.0 Recommendation From my point of view, I suggest Dior keep noble image and put more resources into promotion such as sponsor famous football team, green campaigns, so Dior can establish a health and active image. On the other hand, Dior should search another source of consumers in order to increase market share. Because of luxury clients source are too narrow. It is necessary for Dior finding another segment.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

processor essay Essay Example

processor essay Essay Example processor essay Essay processor essay Essay Every PC has a Central Processing Unit (CPU) this acts as the brain of your system. It connects to the Motherboard and works alongside the other components processing many instructions at the same time between the different hardware and memory systems. Advancements in CPU technology now mean systems typically come with Dual Core, Triple core or Quad Core processors (on one single chip) instead of the traditional one core per chip. Now the total number of Cores can slot into a socket as before and a single heat sink and fan can keep everything to the right temperature. Types of processors: Intel Pentium Dual Core Processors The Intel Pentium processors with Intel dual-core technology deliver great desktop performance, low power enhancements, and multitasking for everyday computing. Intel Dual Core 13 Processors Intel Core 13 dual core processors provide 4-way multitasking capability with built-in performance headroom for software upgrades. Intel Dual Core 15 Processors Intel Core 15 processors deliver the next level of productivity. With Intel Turbo Boost Technology this quad-core processor with 4-way multitasking capability delivers extra speed whenever you need. Intel Dual Core 17 Processors The Intel Core 17 processors deliver best-in-class performance for the most demanding applications. This quad-core processor features 8-way multitasking capability and additional L3 cache. My personal view is there is little difference between using both makes and have run many stable and fast systems using both makes. The AMD processors do tend to run hotter than the Intel versions, but with a suitable fan this is easily kept under control. How processors works: The Central Processing Unit (CPU) Figure 1: The Central Processing Unit The computer does its primary work in a part of the machine we cannot see, a control enter that converts data input to information output. This control center, called the central processing unit (CPL]), is a highly complex, extensive set of electronic circuitry that executes stored program instructions. All computers, large and small, must have a central processing unit. As Figure 1 shows, the central processing unit consists of two parts: The control unit and the arithmetic/logic unit. Each part has a specific function. BeTore we Olscuss tne control unlt ana tne arltnmetlc/loglc unlt In aetall, we need to consider data storage and its relationship to the central processing unit. Computers se two types of storage: Primary storage and secondary storage. The CPU interacts closely with primary storage, or main memory, referring to it for both instructions and data. For this reason this part of the reading will discuss memory in the context of the central processing unit. Technically, however, memory is not part of the CPL]. Recall that a computers memory holds data only temporarily, at the time the computer is executing a program. Secondary storage holds permanent or semi- permanent data on some external magnetic or optical medium. The diskettes and CD-ROM disks that you have seen with personal computers are secondary storage evices, as are hard disks. Since the physical attributes of secondary storage devices determine the way data is organized on them, we will discuss secondary storage and data organization together in another part of our on-line readings. Now let us consider the components of the central processing unit. 0 The Control Unit The control unit of the CPU contains circuitry that uses electrical signals to direct the entire computer system to carry out, or execute, stored program instructions. Like an orchestra leader, the control unit does not execute program instructions; rather, it directs other parts of the system to do so. The control unit must communicate with both the arithmetic/logic unit and memory. The Arithmetic/Logic Unit The arithmetic/logic unit (ALL) contains the electronic circuitry that executes all arithmetic and logical operations. The arithmetic/logic unit can perform four kinds of arithmetic operations, or mathematical calculations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. As its name implies, the arithmetic/logic unit also performs logical operations. A logical operation is usually a comparison. The unit can compare numbers, letters, or special characters. The computer can then take action based on the result of the omparison. This is a very important capability. It is by comparing that a computer is able to tell, for instance, whether there are unfilled seats on airplanes, whether charge- card customers have exceeded their credit limits, and whether one candidate for Congress has more votes than another. Logical operations can test for three conditions: Equal-to condition. In a test for this condition, the arithmetic/logic unit compares two values to determine if they are equal. For example: If the number of tickets sold equals the number of seats in the auditorium, then the concert is declared sold out. Less-than condition. To test for this condition, the computer compares values to determine if one is less than another. For example: If the number of speeding tickets on a arlvers recoro Is less tnan tnree, tnen Insurance rates are $425; otnerwlse, tne rates are $500. Greater-than condition. In this type of comparison, the computer determines if one value is greater than another. For example: If the hours a person worked this week are greater than 40, then multiply every extra hour by 1. 5 times the usual hourly wage to compute overtime pay. A computer can simultaneously test for more than one condition. In fact, a logic unit can usually discern six logical relationships: equal to, less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, and not equal. The symbols that let you define the type of comparison you want the computer to perform are called relational operators. The most common relational operators are the equal sign(=), the less-than symbol(). Registers: Temporary Storage Areas Registers are temporary storage areas for instructions or data. They are not a part of memory; rather they are special additional storage locations that offer the advantage of speed. Registers work under the direction of the control unit to accept, hold, and transfer instructions or data and perform arithmetic or logical comparisons at high speed. The control unit uses a data storage register the way a store owner uses a cash register-as a temporary, convenient place to store what is used in transactions. Computers usually assign special roles to certain registers, including these registers: An accumulator, which collects the result of computations. An address register, which keeps track of where a given instruction or piece of data is stored in memory. Each storage location in memory is identified by an address, Just as each house on a street has an address. A storage register, which temporarily holds data taken from or about to be sent to memory. A general-purpose register, which is used for several functions. Memory and Storage Memory is also known as primary storage, primary memory, main storage, internal storage, main memory, and RAM (Random Access Memory); all these terms are used interchangeably by people in computer circles. Memory is the part of the computer that holds data and instructions for processing. Although closely associated with the entral processing unit, memory is separate from it. Memory stores program instructions or data for only as long as the program they pertain to is in operation. Keeping these items in memory when the program is not running is not feasible for three reasons: Most types of memory only store items while the computer is turned on; data is destroyed when the machine is turned off. If more than one program is running at once (often the case on large computers and sometimes on small computers), a single program can not lay exclusive claim to memory. There may not be room in memory to hold the processed data.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

buy custom Developing Groups into Teams essay

buy custom Developing Groups into Teams essay A team is made up of a group of people who are connected together in a common purpose. Teams are normally developed to conduct particular tasks that are complex, and have many co-dependent subtasks. A group in itself does not automatically make up a team. Members make it up with complementary talents and generate synergy by a coordinated effort that allows each member to minimize their weakness and maximize their strengths. Team members are required to work together and help each other so that each member realizes their true potential. By doing so, they create an atmosphere that allows each member to exceed their limitations. Teams size and a composition are known to have an effect on team processes and outcomes. The optimal composition and size of a team varies according to the task it handles. This paper will seek to discuss how groups can be developed into teams. There are several strategies that an organization can employ in order to nature the conversion of groups into teams. First, the organization has to develop common goals and vision that its members should try to achieve. Unless a common vision and a goal are set for a given undertaking, and each member holds the one goal and vision of the shared destination, it would be very difficult to achieve the set targets as members will be confused and hobbled along the way (Jungalwalla 200). Lacking a common direction, such a group will be divided into small fragments, thereby it will lose energy as the members move against each other as opposed to a team. To achieve a common goal and a vision, several tasks may be undertaken. Team members may record their perception of teams common vision and goals; then the differing perceptions may be considered. This task will help present a simple evaluation of the extent to which the group shares common visions and goals. Passion is an important aspect f or success. In developing common visions and goals, one may find out what visions and goals that are desirable for the organization the team members are passionate about (Jarod 2009). There should be a clear distinction between common and individual goals. Teams may share similar visions and goals, but may have different roles in a collaborative undertaking. Each member in the group should express their individual roles in ways that convey how that role contributes to the common visions and goals of the organization. When collaborative goals are set, benchmark and stretch goals have to be considered. Benchmark goals are said to be the minimum one can accept from themselves as professionals while stretch goals can be described as reach for the stars goal, which should carry considerable uncertainty as to its practicability. This will ensure that a team keeps motivated, and endeavors for improvement even beyond perceived restrictions (Junggalwalla 2000). Diversity of people in a group can be its greatest threat or asset; if a group is well harnessed, it can be a tool to develop a very good team and achieve high goals. The important factor here is the ability to appreciate diversity, to know its importance and to manage it. One can start by leading by example. If a leader is seen not to value diversity, the group members will not do it too, thereby developing a poor team. A team survey that draws attention to diverse work styles and roles within the team should be undertaken. A team map may be developed that shows which preferences and roles are well represented and which are not. The team could be then involved in giving strategic advice to themselves about further development of the team. Furthermore, teams training and development schedules should incorporate topics based on understanding and management of diversity (Jungalwalla 2000). Effective communication is paramount in development of groups into teams. Strategies that enhance active listening and engagement of the audience in meetings may be used to foster good communication (Hardcastle 2006). In conclusion, many factors may determine how a group develops into a team. Common visions and goals, ability to harness diversity and effective communication are important aspects in development of a group into a team. Buy custom Developing Groups into Teams essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Resume and Cover Letter Construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Resume and Cover Letter Construction - Essay Example This is a good question and it is very difficult to give a proper answer to it. The first and foremost concern is to pick an appealing style, which will be appropriate and relevant to the market of employment. It is relevant to use action verbs (removed, supervised, supported, expanded etc) and some self-descriptive words, such as ambitious, broad-minded, consistent etc are appealing to the employer. A great advantage of chronological resumes is the ability of an employer to trace the exact dates of a candidates places of employment. Another advantage is to see a logical development of one's career development. A chronological resume is one of the most suitable. It is very often difficult for employers to look through different skills of an employee. When a candidate changes his career field very often, then his resume can be a functional one. His main skills and abilities are listed and an employer can choose between available skills and potential of an employee. Combination Resumes are also known as "custom or hybrid resumes". These types of resumes are advantageous because they enable an employee to illustrate his experience with exact dates and to make an employer aware of exact dates/ a process of a careers development. It is difficult to focus both on dates and facts or to shift one's attention from dates to events. This is a resume without any proper formatting. It should be mentioned that this type of resumes is often challenging, but it is possible for an employer to scan pros and cons of the resume. Moreover, an employer can be not satisfied with a proper interpretation of certain points of resumes. With respect to the fact that every employer looks at resumes not more than 30 seconds, it is very important to include keywords and focus ones resume on a particular company (Professional Resumes the Easy Way).Â